- Offices of the President of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
- Administrative Secretariats for Students
- Teaching Secretariats
- Orientation and Tutoring Service - SOrT
- List of Technical, Administrative and Teaching Staff
Presidency of the Faculty
The Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Paolo Villari
Tel. (+39) 06 49255633 paolo.villari@uniroma1.it
(Presidency of the Faculty - RM111 Building C, 3rd floor, Viale Regina Elena 295)
Student Reception
The Vice Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Mariangela Biava
Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies (University Campus)
Tel. (+39) 06 49913812, 06 49913593
Delegated Administrative Manager - RAD
Dr. Piero Manganini
(Faculty Presidency - RM111 Building C, 3rd floor, Viale Regina Elena 295)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255623
Coordinator of the Faculty Office
Mrs. Carmela D'Errico
(Faculty Presidency - RM111 Building C, 3rd floor, Viale Regina Elena 295)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255618
Faculty Teaching Manager
Dr. Vincenzo Mancino
(Faculty Presidency - RM111 Building C, 3rd floor, Viale Regina Elena 295)
Reception: Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 - 11:00
Faculty Presidency Secretariat:
e-mail: presidenzafarmaciamedicina@uniroma1.it
pec: presidente.farmaciamedicina@cert.uniroma1.it
Dr. Federica Baroncini - federica.baroncini@uniroma1.it
(administration and accounting office)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255615
Dr. Maria Carbone - maria.carbone@uniroma1.it
(Teaching secretariat for the Degree courses in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Pharmacy)
Tel. (+39) 06 49917827
Dr. Lucia D'Amore - luciana.damore@uniroma1.it
(Teaching secretariat for Medicine and Surgery F, Molecular Biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Computer Science for Pharmaceutical Applications and Biochemestry)
Tel. (+39) 49255616
Dr. Domenico Della Peruta - domenico.dellaperuta@uniroma1.it
(Service for organizing sessions of Degrees in Medicine and Surgery A, B, C, D, F, Management of technical-administrative staff)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255617
Fabrizio De Lorenzo - fabrizio.delorenzo@uniroma1.it
(IT Contact, Gomp Contact for Classrooms and Timetables)
Anna Paola Erta - annapaola.erta@uniroma1.it
(Administration and Accounting Office)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255619
Carmela D'Errico - carmela.derrico@uniroma1.it
(Faculty Coordinator, Drafting of minutes of the Faculty Council and Board, Relations with the Region, Hospital/University Departments)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255618
Dr. Maria Carlotta D'Addona - mariacarlotta.daddona@uniroma1.it
Tel. (+39) 06 49255617
Dr. Luana Girolami - luana.girolami@uniroma1.it
(Degree Courses in Health Professions, Erasmus Program in the Medical and Health Professions area)
Tel. (+39) 06 49918279
Dr. Emanuele Iaboni - emanuele.iaboni@uniroma1.it
(IT Technician)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255656
Sabina Imbimbo - sabina.imbimbo@uniroma1.it
(Support to the coordinator of the Faculty Office, Erasmus Program Pharmacy area)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255621
Antonella Mariotti - antonella.mariotti@uniroma1.it
(Accounting and Administration)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255622
Dr. Anna Mezzotero - anna.mezzotero@uniroma1.it
(Faculty Teaching Secretariat, Contact for the Medical Area Specialization Schools)
Dr. Nicola Migliore - nicola.migliore@uniroma1.it
(Faculty Office: compliance with Collegiate Bodies, support in drafting minutes, relations with Institutions)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255624
Dr. Annalisa Pizzinga - annalisa.pizzinga@uniroma1.it
(Teaching secretariat of the Degree Course in Pharmacy, Support and consultancy S.Or.T.)
Tel. (+39) 06 49913066
Dr. Roberta Ranieri - roberta.ranieri@uniroma1.it
(Support and consultancy S.Or.T. of the CLM Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Teaching Secretariat of the CLM A in Medicine and Surgery)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255645
Dr. Federico Matteo Sacco - federicomatteo.sacco@uniroma1.it
(IT technician)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255608
Federica Tango - federica.tango@uniroma1.it
(Teaching secretariat of the Laura courses in CTF and SFA)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255646
Dr. Alessandro Vallocchia - alessandro.vallocchia@uniroma1.it
(Erasmus office and classroom security service contact)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255647
Ilaria Verelli - ilaria.verelli@uniroma1.it
(Administration and support Faculty office)
Tel. (+39) 06 49255648
Art and Medical Humanities Laboratory
Former Hygiene Building (PL023)
General Student Secretary for Masters Courses in Medicine and Dentistry
Natalina Macotulli, natalina.marcotulli@uniroma1.it
Piazzale Aldo Moro,5 - 00185 -Roma (Palazzina Servizi generali - Scala A ground floor)
Fax (+39) 06 49912896 - segrstudenti.medicina@uniroma1.it
Office hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00 Tues-Thur 14.30-16.30
General Student Secretary for Pharmacy and Biotechnology Courses
Enia Libernini, T 06 4991 2180 enia.libernini@uniroma1.it
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma Palazzina servizi generali, scala A
T (+39) 06 4991 2791 - F (+39) 06 4991 2928
Office hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00; Tues -Thur, 14.30-16.30
General Student Secretary for Bachelor Courses in healthcare Professions
Tiziana Giardini tiziana.giardini@uniroma1.it
Piazzale Aldo Moro,5 - 00185 -Roma (Palazzina Servizi generali - B ground floor)
T (+39) 06 49912266 - Fax (+39) 06 4991 2765 - segrstudenti.professionisanitarie@uniroma1.it
Office hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00; Tues -Thur, 14.30-16.30
State Exam Office
Ms Elena Gilda Tramontelli,
P.le Aldo Moro, 5 -00185 Roma -Palazzo Servizi Generali Scala C - 2nd floor
T (+39) 06 49912804 - segr.esamistato@uniroma1.it
Office hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00; Tues -Thur 14.30-16.30
Specialization Schools Secretary
Loredana Battaglione
Città Universitaria, Palazzo delle Segreterie - Scala A - 2nd floor
T (+39) 06 49912895 - Fax (+39) 06 49912127 - segr.specializzazione@uniroma1.it
Office hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00; Tues -Thur 14.30-16.30
Study Secretariats
The Secretariats only deal with teaching/didactic issues and not administrative procedures concerning student carriers.
Masters "A" in Medicine and Surgery
President: Prof. Antonio Angeloni antonio.angeloni@uniroma1.it
Receiving hours: Every day by appointment only via email
Office: Edificio n. 30-Policlinico Umberto I- Laboratorio di Screening neonatale- I piano.
Presidency Secretary for bachelor Courses
Robera Ranieri roberta.ranieri@uniroma1.it
Palazzina ex Scrée Ist floor (Policlinico Umberto I)
Receiving hours: Wed. 9.30-11.00
T +39 06 49918206
Masters Courses "E" in Medicine and Surgery (Polo Pontino, Latina)
President: Prof. Carlo Della Rocca carlo.dellarocca@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Patologia (Policlinico Umberto I)
T + 39 0773 1757210, 06 49970731 F +39 0773 1757219, 06 4463652
Presidency Segretary for Bachelor Courses
Giuseppe Di Stefano - Pietro Angelo Mastrobuono Battisti - Maria Pulcrano
Corso della Repubblica, 79 - Latina
T +39 0773 1757210 - +39 0773 1757256 - F +39 0773 1757219
Office hours: Mon - Fri 9.00-12.00 – Tues - Thurs 14.30-16.00
International Medical School – Masters Degree "F" in Medicine and Surgery
Prof. Paolo Villari paolo.villari@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive (CU015)
T +39 0649914886
Student Recieving hours: by appointment only via email (paolo.villari@uniroma1.it(link sends e-mail))
Office: Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive, Edificio G. Sanarelli (CU015), 1st floor, room P1-9.
Anja Berger
Receiving hours: Monday - Wednesday 9:30- 11:00
T +39 06 49970855
Educational Manager
Vincenzo Mancino
Receiving hours: Monday - Wednesday 9:30 - 11:00
Bachelor in Pharmacy
President: Prof. Mariangela Biava mariangela.biava@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco, studio 203
Receiving hours: Tues - Wed 14.00-15.00
Presidency Secretary
Annalisa Pizzinga annalisa.pizzinga@uniroma1.it
Città Universitaria - Retro Aula 3 Ex Ingegneria
Bachelor Courses in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology
President: Prof. Antonello Mai antonello.mai@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco, stanza 152 piano primo
T +39 06 49913392
Receiving hours: Mon-Wed 11.00-12.00
Didactic Secretary
Ms Federica Tango federica.tango@uniroma1.it
Città Universitaria - Retro Aula 3 Ex Ingegneria
Receiving hours: Tues - Thur 10.00-11.30
Bachelor Courses in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences
President: Prof. Luisa Mannina luisa.mannina@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco, room 114 1st floor
T + 39 06 49913735
Receiving hours: Tues 14.00-15.00 or by appointment via email
Didactic Secretary
Federica Tango federica.tango@uniroma1.it
Città Universitaria - Retro Aula 3 Ex Ingegneria
eceiving hours: Tue - Thur 10.00-11.30
Bachelor in Biotechnology
President: Prof. Giuseppe Macino giuseppe.macino@uniroma1.it
Vice-President: Prof. Rodolfo Negri rodolfo.negri@uniroma1.it
Presidency Secretary
Maria Carbone maria.carbone@uniroma1.it
Via dei Sardi 70, III piano
T +39 06 4991 7827 F +39 06 4991 7827
Master Courses in Pharmaceutical Technology
President: Prof. Fabio Altieri fabio.altieri@uniroma1.it
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, stanza 203 II piano
T +39 06 4991 0887 F +39 06 444 0062
Receiving hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 11:00
Master Courses in Medical Biotechnology
President: Prof. Angela Santoni angela.santoni@uniroma1.it
Presidency Segretariat: Oriana D'Angelo Gargano - clsbiotecnologie@uniroma1.it , Rossana Lembo - rossana.lembo@uniroma1.it
Viale Regina Elena 291, III piano, stanza 314. T + 39 06 44340632
Office hours: Mon - Tues - Thur 9:30-12:30
C.L U.P.S. Healthcare Professions
Study Secretariat
Palazzina ex Scrée II floor (Policlinico Umberto I)
T +39 06 49918279 F +39 06 49918280
email: Clupsmedicina@uniroma1.it
Cinzia Castellani cinzia.castellani@uniroma1.it
Sabrina Dongarrà sabrina.dongarra@uniroma1.it
Luana Girolami luana.girolami@uniroma1.it
Office hours: Wed - Fri 11.00-13.00
Orientation and Tutor Service - SOrT
SOrt for Pharmacy courses
Piazzale Aldo Moro, n. 5 - 00185, Roma
Edificio di Chimica Farmaceutica
Mon -Wed -Fri 10.00 - 12.00
Tues - Thur 14.30-16.30
T (+39) 06 4991 3066
Contact: Annalisa Pizzinga
SOrt for Medical Courses Policlinico Umberto I
Viale Regina Elena, n. 287/A - 00161 Roma
Policlinico Umberto I, sala lettura Marta Russo
Mon to Fri 11.00 - 15.00
T (+39) 06 4997 0924 - F (+39) 06 4997 0924
Assistance and Consultancy for Master Courses in Medicine and Surgery (CLMMC)
Viale Regina Elena, n. 324 - 00185 Roma
Policlinico Umberto I
Palazzina della presidenza di Farmacia e Medicina
Wed 9.30 - 11.00
Vincenzo Mancino
T (+39) 06 4997 0836
email: vincenzo.mancino@uniroma1.it
Roberta Ranieri
T (+39) 06 49918206
email: roberta.ranieri@uniroma1.it
Assistance and Consultancy for Courses at Polo di Latina
Corso della Repubblica, n. 79 - 04100 Latina
Mon 8.30 - 10.30
T (+39) 0773 1757 234
Contact: Antonella Calogero
email: antonella.calogero@uniroma1.it
Assistance and Consultancy for Master Courses in Medical Biotechnology
Viale Regina Elena, n. 324 - 00185, Roma
Policlinico Umberto I
Palazzina ex Scree, laboratorio Immunologia, 1 st floor
Mon – Tues - Thur 9.30 - 12.30
T (+39) 06 4434 0632
Head: Angela Santoni
Contact: Oriana D’Angelo
Presidenza di Facoltà
Viale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Roma
RM111, Edificio C - III piano
Tel. 06 49255618, 06 49255624