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Single Cycle Degree Courses in Medicine and Surgery

The successful attendance of these courses depends on commitment, conscience, love for others, strong and convinced dedication in order to acquire the indispensable tools and awareness needed to perform a fundamental task precisely: the care of the sick. Today, medical education does not only mean providing information on diseases, but it also means teaching students to understand, evaluate and act with systematic cognition patients in their entirety and complexity on a psychosomatic level, in the appropriate socio-cultural and environmental context. 

Those choosing to study Medicine in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of "Sapienza" must be committed to their studies and attend courses (attendance is compulsory). Teaching in basic subjects such as chemistry, physics or biology (important, also, to pass the course admission test) is accompanied by a great ethical attention to the  sensitivity and transversal skills needed to work in professions which include contact with the delicate and complex aspects of the life of patients. 

Great importance is given to the professionalizing practical activities in both real and simulated situations: in fact, right from the early stages of the courses, students become familiar with the laboratory instruments and begin to attend the hospital departments of the Policlinico Umberto I, of the ASL of Latina and of the other Hospitals of the didactic network and have the opportunity to train in didactic simulation laboratories. The graduates of these courses are equipped with the scientific bases and the theoretical-practical preparation needed, in accordance with Directive 75/363 / EEC, to work in the medical profession, together with professional plus decision-making skills and operational autonomy. Graduates in Medicine and Surgery are able to face the complex problems of modern healthcare, through a holistic approach to the problems of healthy or sick people, also bearing in mind the biological and social environment that they operate in. They carry out their profession covering many roles in the various clinical, health, research and bio-medical fields.