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Lectures halls


The Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine has numerous lecture rooms on the University Campus and in the Polyclinic Umberto I Hospital which are used every day for teaching and also hosting national and international events.

The Faculty has an online reservation system to use the lecture rooms that can be found at Sistema Informativo Aule. Using this system, the lesson calendar can be consulted as well as other information on the facilities: contacts and tel. numbers, number of seats and technical equipment available, photos and maps.



  • Anatomia Umana A - Aula Realdo Colombo 
  • Chimica Biologica A
  • Chimica Biologica C
  • Clinica Malattie Tropicali 
  • Clinica Ortopedica A
  • Farmacologia A
  • Farmacologia C
  • Igiene A - Aula Angelo Celli
  • Igiene B
  • Igiene C1
  • Medicina Legale A - Aula Cesare Gerin
  • Paride Stefanini


  • Aula A - ex Centrale Termica - Complesso didattico Tecce
  • Aula B - ex Centrale Termica - Complesso didattico Tecce
  • Aula C - ex Centrale Termica - Complesso didattico Tecce
  • Aula D - ex Centrale Termica - Complesso didattico Tecce
  • Aula A - edificio ex Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica
  • Aula B - edificio ex Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica
  • Aula Magna Fulvio Cacace - edificio ex Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica
  • Aula 3 ex Ingegneria prefabbricato - adiacente Presienza ex Facoltà di Farmacia
  • Aula Giacomini - Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale 
  • Aula L - Dipartimento di Matematica
  • Chimica Biologica B
  • Farmacologia B
  • Latina - ex Granai
  • Medicina Legale C
  • Medicina Legale D


The Lecture Room Commission manages the reservations:
  • planning lesson timetables for all the Faculty Courses;
  • collaborating with the contacts, with coordination and assistance;
  • planning important national and international events.

Requests for space/lecture rooms (not being used for academic purposes) are then forwarded to the individual Lecture Room Contacts.
The reservations are based on a priority ranking responding fairly to every need. Priority is given to Masters Degree courses, then 3-year Bachelor courses and special events.
In exceptional cases, where the suspension of teaching activities is required, the request must be approved by the Dean of the structure along with the Presidents of the Degree Courses involved who will decide on whether to suspend lessons or move them to other premises.

PHARMACY – Prof. Romano Silvestri,
MEDICINE – Sig. Fabrizio De Lorenzo,