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Faculty Teaching Commission

Rep.: n. 432/2023 prot. 4779 of 11/12/2023

Function: The Teaching Commission plans teaching activities in order to ensure high quality and organizational levels of the Study Courses by monitoring the fulfillment of what is necessary to maintain the accreditation of the courses.


  • Prof. Paolo Villari (Dean)
  • Prof. Mariangela Biava (Vice Dean)
  • Prof. Cosimo Durante (C.L. Medicine A)
  • Prof. Claudio Di Cristofano (C.L. Medicine E)
  • Prof. Giulia D’Amati (C.L. Medicine in English F)
  • Prof. Maria Carafa (C.L. Pharmacy)
  • Prof. Giuseppe La Regina (C.L. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology)
  • Prof. Esterina Pascale (Coordinator of Degree Courses of Health Professions, Rome campus)
  • Prof. Vincenzo Petrozza (Coordinator of Degree Courses in Health Professions, Pontino Campus)
  • Mr. Alessio Botrugno (student representative)
  • Mr. Filippo Ottavi (student representative)
Faculty Research Commission

Rep.: n. 435/2023 prot. 4783 of 11/12/2023

Function: Facilitates the exchange of information on research activities and opportunities between Departments, the Faculty and potential stakeholders.

  • Promoting synergies between the members of the Faculty;
  • Transforming the diversity of the three areas of the Faculty (medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology) into added value;
  • Valorising the excellent research work carried out by the Departments and technology transfer;
  • Involving all stakeholders: Teaching and Research Staff, Research Fellows and PhD Students, Students and Technical Administrative Staff of the University Departments and Faculties, with a progressive involvement of Italian and Foreign Institutions, Bodies and companies.


  • Prof. Paolo Villari (Dean)
  • Prof. Alessandra Della Torre – Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases (Vice Coordinator)
  • Prof. Gianluca Cinotti – SAIMLAL Department
  • Prof. Fabio Di Domenico – Department of Biochemical Sciences
  • Prof. Francesca Grassi – Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Prof. Marianna Nalli – Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies
  • Prof. Clara Nervi – Department of Medical-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies
  • Prof. Alessandro M. Paganini – Department of General and Specialist Surgery
  • Prof. Diana Bellavia – Department of Molecular Medicine
  • Mr. Fabrizio De Lorenzo – IT referent
Faculty Classrooms Commission

Rep.: n. 440/2023 prot. 4825 of 12/12/2023

Function: Monitors the correct use of classrooms and coordinates ordinary and non-ordinary maintenance activities also for the purpose of the continuous implementation of teaching aids.


  • Prof. Paolo Villari (Dean)
  • Prof. Alessandro Paiardini (Vice Coordinator)
  • Prof. Carolina Marzuillo
  • Prof. Romano Silvestri
  • Prof. Rossella Fioravanti
  • Dr. Enrico Mattei – RAD
  • Dr. Mariuccio Angeletti – RUP
  • Mr. Fabrizio De Lorenzo – GOMP Classrooms and timetables contact
  • Mr. Emanuele Iaboni – IT technician
  • Ms. Irene Galdi – student representative
  • Ms. Roberta Rotiroti – student representative
Faculty Libraries Commission

Rep.: n. 441/2023 prot. 4828 of 12/12/2023

Function: The Library Commission has the objective of maintaining constant coordination with the management of the Library and with the scientific managers (teachers) and the managers of the departmental libraries of the Faculty.

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Onori – Director of the Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Local Apparatus Sciences omotore

Directors of Departments to which the Libraries belong:

  • Prof. Daniela Secci – Chemistry and Drug Technology
  • Prof. Massimo Rossi – General and Specialist Surgery “P. Stefanini”
  • Prof. Eleonora Palma – Human Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Prof. Marella Maroder – Molecular Medicine
  • Prof. Claudio Maria Mastroianni – Public Health and Infectious Diseases
  • Prof. Fabio Altieri – Biochemical Sciences
  • Prof. Paolo Onori – Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Musculoskeletal Sciences
  • Prof. Antonella Calogero – Medical and Surgical Sciences and Biotechnology

Libraries Managers:

  • Marina Dalla Torre - Chemistry and Drug Technology
  • Marina Dalla Torre - Physiology Human and Pharmacology
  • Giuseppe Scopetta - Molecular Medicine and Experimental Medicine
  • Giuseppe Ugolini - Public Health and Infectious Diseases
  • Maria Squarcione - Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Musculoskeletal Sciences
  • Gabriella Tufano - Medical and Surgical Sciences and Biotechnology

Student Representatives:

  • Ms. Victoria Filomena Ramundo
  • Ms. Filomena Truppo
  • Ms. Miriam Capicotto
Faculty Internationalization Commission

Rep.: n. 82/2024 prot. 872 of 01/03/2024

Function: Promotes activities to enhance internationalization, cooperation, and interacts with the competent bodies to make the most of the Erasmus+ Programs and other programs to which the Faculty adheres.


  • Prof. Daniela De Biase for the medical area (Coordinator)
  • Prof. Daniela Secci for the pharmaceutical area
  • Prof. Luciano Saso for the biotechnology area
  • Ms. Maya Gahtan (student representative)
  • Mr. Giulio Motta (student representative)
  • Ms. Maria Beatrice Iacovino (student representative)
Faculty Emeritus Commission

Rep.: n. 443/2023 prot. 4837 of 12/13/2023

Function: The Commission deals with the investigation of proposals for the appointment of Emeritus and Honorary Professors.


  • Prof. Carlo Della Rocca (President)
  • Prof. Andrea Bellelli
  • Prof. Eugenio Gaudio
Programming Commission

Function: It deals with analyzing any imbalances in the scientific disciplinary sectors in order to plan possible solutions for the commitment of the resources allocated to the Faculty.


  • Prof. Angela Santoni
  • Prof. Bruno Botta
  • Prof. Claudio Villani
Faculty Web and Communication Commission

Rep.: n. 83/2024 prot. 874 of 01/03/2024

Function: The Web and Communication Commission has the primary task of offering IT support services to Sapienza Departments, Professors and Students as well as managing and developing the Faculty website and external communication, especially regarding the activities carried out by the Faculty itself.


  • Prof. Paolo Villari (Dean)
  • Prof. Michaela Liuccio (Vice Coordinator)
  • Prof. Rino Ragno (Vice Coordinator)
  • Mr. Fabrizio De Lorenzo
  • Dr. Emanuele Iaboni
  • Dr. Federico Matteo Sacco
  • Dr. Nicola Migliore
  • Mr. Tiziano Morelli (student representative)
  • Mr. Riccardo Barbati (student representative)
Interfaculty Assistance Commission

Function: The Joint Commission with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is divided into areas (Medical, Surgical, and Services) which embrace the various scientific disciplinary sectors. inari and deals with the resolution of problems related to care activities.

Composition: Teachers

MEDICINE AREAFoà Roberto MED/15Ciardi Maria Rosa MED/17Potenza Maria Concetta MED/35
Serrao Mariano MED/26
SSDMED/06, MED/09, MED/11, MED/12, MED/13, MED/15, MED/17, MED/25, MED/26, MED/35, MED/39, MED/50, M-PSI08
SURGERY AREAGossetti Bruno MED/22Sbarigia Enrico MED/22
Gumina Stefano MED/33
Martinelli Ombretta MED/22
SSDMED/18, MED/21, MED/22, MED/23, MED/24, MED/27, MED/30, MED/31, MED/33, MED/50
Villari Paolo MED/42
Riminucci Mara MED/08Graziani Manuela BIO/14
SSDMED/01, MED/02, MED/03, MED/04, MED/05, MED/07, MED/08, MED/34, MED/41, MED/42, MED/43, MED/44, MED/45, MED/46, MED/48, MED/50 9, BIO/10, BIO/11, BIO/12, BIO/13, BIO/14, BIO/16, BIO/17, CHIM/01, CHIM/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/06, CHIM/08, CHIM/09, CHIM/10, M-EDF01, FIS/07, SECS-P06, IUS10, VET/01, VET/06
Interfaculty Medical Education Commission

Function: The Medical Education Commission promotes the evaluation and enhancement of the teaching skills of teachers, the development of scientific research activities in Medical Pedagogy and the experimentation of innovative teaching techniques.

Composition: Teachers, Students

Interfaculty Teaching Committee of the CLMMC

Function: Coordination of the teaching activities of the CLMMC.

Composition: Teachers

Deans: Prof. Domenico Alvaro, Carlo Della Rocca, Erino Angelo Rendina

  • Prof. Antonio Angeloni, President CLMMC A
  • Prof. Manuela Merli, President CLMMC B
  • Prof. Roberta Misasi, President CLMMC C
  • Prof. Enrico Fiori, President CLMMC D
  • Prof. Claudio Di Cristofano, President CLMMC E, Polo Pontino office
  • Prof. Paolo Villari, President CLMMC F, in English
  • Prof. Antonio Filippini, S. Andrea office
Faculty Contact Person for Students with Disabilities or with DSA

Rep.: n. 445/2023 prot. 4841 of 12/13/2023

Function: The Faculty Contact Persons for students with disabilities or with DSA have the task of following and supporting them in their educational path and are a point of reference for all the teachers of the Faculty. They work to ensure that the compensatory and/or dispensatory measures established in agreement with the Disability Help Desk and the University DSA Counseling Service are applied, guaranteeing effective individualized support measures.

Composition: Teachers

  • Prof. Maria Rosa Ciardi (for the medical-clinical area)
  • Prof. Letizia Angiolella (for the pharmaceutical area)
Working Group on Quality and Educational Innovation (GDL-QuID)

Function: The GDL-QuID established by DR n. 2334/2017 aims to provide the Rector with opinions and proposals for possible strategies and guidelines for the progress, improvement and innovation of teaching, with particular reference to the following aspects:

  • Teaching training for teachers and teaching strategies centered on student learning
  • Innovative teaching methods, technologies and materials, useful for improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching
  • Dissemination of the culture of Quality and Teaching Innovation
  • Forms of recognition to enhance the commitment of teachers in innovative and quality teaching
  • Collaboration with national and international bodies aimed at developing activities useful for their purposes
  • Indicators of teaching quality
  • Collaboration between teaching, research, third mission in relation to the territory

Members: Teachers
Prof. Cosimo Durante as teacher-tutor of the QUID Training Project 2018 working group – 1st edition

Regional Observatory for Specialist Medical Training

Function: Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 368/99 art. 44, the Lazio Region has established the Regional Observatory for specialist training. The Observatory has the task of evaluating, promoting and monitoring the Specialization Schools.

Composition: Teachers and representatives of doctors in training

  • Prof. Massimo Rossi for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
  • Dr. Federica Orlando for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
  • Prof. Carlo Catalano for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Dr. Franz Sesti for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Interfaculty Working Group for the University Anti-Violence Center

Function: The working group aims to evaluate the feasibility of establishing an Anti-Violence Center in Sapienza facilities and the possible coordination or collaboration with health facilities/institutions in the area.

Members: Teachers

  • Prof. Mariangela Biava for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
  • Prof. Corrado De Vito for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
  • Prof. Stefania Basili for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Prof. Alessandra Zicari for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Prof. Donatella Caserta for the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
  • Prof. Roberto Baiocco for the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
OFA Commission (Additional Educational Obligations) of the Faculty

Rep.: n. 447/2023 prot. 4847 of 13/12/2023

Function: The OFA Commission has the task of supporting students who enroll in a course of the Faculty with an Additional Educational Obligation to fulfill. The activities of the commission are carried out with the aim of supporting students with educational debt through specific tutoring actions and the coordination of organizational activities.

Composition: TAB teachers and staff

  • Prof. Mariangela Biava – Coordinator
  • Prof. Rossella Fioravanti (pharmacy area)
  • Prof. Vincenzo Petrozza (health professions)
  • Prof. Beatrice Vallone (medical area)
  • Dr. Vincenzo Mancino, Teaching Manager Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine
Third Mission Commission

Rep.: 81/2024 prot. 870 of 01/03/2024

Function: The Commission's purposes are oriented towards coordination, monitoring and implementation in the following areas. In the context of the economic valorization of knowledge, the objective is to promote economic growth, through the transformation of knowledge produced by research into knowledge useful for production purposes. For the cultural and social aspect, the objective is to produce public-social-cultural activities that increase the well-being of society and encourage the process of scientific knowledge aimed at improving well-being itself.

Composition: Teachers and students

  • Prof. Paolo Villari (Dean)
  • Prof. Michaela Liuccio – Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases (Vice Coordinator)
  • Prof. Franco Mazzei – Department of Chemistry and Drug Technologies
  • Prof. Quirino Lai – Department of General and Specialist Surgery
  • Prof. Laura Maggi – Department of Physiology and Pharmacology "Vittorio Erspamer"
  • Prof. Laura Ottini – Department of Molecular Medicine
  • Prof. Dario Coletti – Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Musculoskeletal Sciences
  • Prof. Allegra Via – Department of Biochemical Sciences "Alessandro Rossi Fanelli"
  • Prof. Valentina Gazzaniga – Department of Medical-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies
  • Ms. Miriam Capicotto (Student Representative)
  • Ms. Eleonora Chiaravalle (Student Representative)
  • Ms. Agnese Di Tano (Student Representative)
Faculty Committee for Orientation and Tutoring

Rep.: 449/2023 prot. 4849 of 12/13/2023

Function: The Faculty CORET, based on interactions with the University Commission, coordinates, organizes and monitors the specific orientation and tutoring events or activities of the Faculty. In particular, the main objectives of CORET are:

  • To guide secondary school students towards an informed choice of university study path
  • To guide and assist students throughout their studies and make them actively participate in the educational process
  • To remove obstacles to successful course attendance
  • To improve student learning

Composition: Teachers and technical-administrative staff and student representatives

  • Prof. Mariangela Biava – Vice Dean and Representative of the Pharmacy Area (Coordinator)
  • Prof. Nevena Skroza – Delegate for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine within CORET
  • Prof. Esterina Pascale – Representative for the Health Professions Area
  • Prof. Marco Tripodi – Representative for the Biotechnology Area
  • Prof. Claudio Di Cristofano – Representative for the Master's Degrees in Medicine and Surgery Area
  • Dr. Vincenzo Mancino – Educational Manager
  • Dr. Piero Manganini – Delegated Administrative Manager
  • Dr. Francesca Giglio – Super Faculty Tutor
  • Ms. Agnese Di Tano – Student Representative for the Pharmaceutical and Health Professions Area
  • Ms. Maria Camilla Palumbo – Student Representative for the Medical Area Latina
  • Mr. Federico Barrotta – Student Representative for the Medical Area Policlinico
Faculty Representatives of the Interfaculty Commission/Working Group of the University Anti-Violence Center

Rep.: 464/2023 prot. 4959 of 20/12/2023

  • Prof. Mariangela Biava
  • Prof. Corrado De Vito
Student Ombudsman of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine

Rep.: 465/2023 prot. 4963 of 21/12/2023

  • Prof. Vincenzo Vullo
High Qualification Experts Commission

Rep.: 466/2023 prot. 4971 of 21/12/2023

Function: The Commission evaluates the applications received for the recognition of the role of High Qualification Expert pursuant to art. 23, Law 240/2010 and the related assignment of teaching tasks within the scope of the teaching program provided.

Composition: Teachers

  • Prof. Paolo Villari – Dean
  • Prof. Cristina Limatola
  • Prof. Daniela Secci
Coordinators of the Degree Courses of Health Professions

Rep.: 467/2023 prot. 4983 of 21/12/2023

  • Prof. Esterina Pascale – Rome office
  • Prof. Vincenzo Petrozza – Polo Pontino office
Delegates Responsible for the Telematic Management of the Obligations for the Management of Accidents at Work of the Degree Courses with Polo Pontino Headquarters

Rep.: 468/2023 prot. 4987 of 21/12/2023

  • Prof. Vincenzo Petrozza – Degree Course in Health Professions, Polo Pontino
  • Prof. Claudio Di Cristofano – Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery “E”