Top-level heading

Monitoring Committee

Monitoring Committee for Teaching and Scientific Activities. Operates as support for the Didactic and Scientific Activities Evaluation Committee. The Monitoring Committees have the task of:

  • monitoring the QA (Quality Assurance), of self-evaluation and reviewing and improving the Courses at a Faculty and Department level, particularly focusing on problems managed at an overall coordination level and not delegated to the individual Courses;
  • ensure accurate information from and to the Quality Team, the Evaluation Nucleus and the Faculty and Department Teacher-Student Commissions;
  • propose to the University Quality Team the adoption of common tools for the QA and the spread of educational activities in their application;
  • provide support to the Courses, their referents, the Course Review Groups anf the Department Directors belonging to the Faculty to guarantee a QA;
  • consolidate in the Faculty the network model of the Sapienza Quality Assurance which is highly important in information exchange between the Review Groups, Courses and Departments to oversee the QA and self-evaluation;
  • support the Courses and Departments to create a more integrated approach among the different planning systems at a teaching level: Educational/Training Offer, Lesson Timetables, Lecture Room Management, Exam Calendars, etc..

Composition: Lectures, students and technical-administrative staff

Anna Rita Vestri
Valentina Gazzaniga
Arianna Casini
Giulio Caracciolo 
Silvana Gaetani 
Mara Riminucci

Technical-administrative staff
Vincenzo Mancino 

Ms. Lorena Bassis 
Ms. Rosa Coppola



Prof.ssa Daniela De Biase (Coordinatore)