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Student Guarantor of the Faculty

The Student Guarantor is a teacher the students can consult regarding recognition of their rights or to report any serious cases of disservice.


Among others, the Guarantor's tasks are:

1.   to represent a figure guaranteeing to protect students and their rights;

2.   intervene in serious cases of disservice in teaching activities and/or organization;

3.   intervene in particularly serious or delicate situations where one or more students claim to be an injured party.


The Guarantor may intervene following a complaint (which cannot be anonymous), by one or more students, for all situations where a problem arises in a student's interaction with professors, other university staff or other students in the Faculty. The students who appeal to the Guarantor have the right, on their request, to be anonymous.


Following the complaint, the Guarantor investigates the matter, trying to resolve the problem and where this is not possible, he/she informs the Dean for measures to be taken if necessary. The Guarantor also communicates the outcome of his/her investigation to the complainant.


For our Faculty, the Guarantor is Prof. Vincenzo Vullo, his email is







Student Guarantor of the Faculty
Prof. Vincenzo Vullo