The Student Secretariat carries out all administrative procedures relating to the student's career from enrollment to graduation in compliance with the rules indicated in the General Study Manifesto.
The Student Secretariat is responsible for the administrative management of students' careers from enrollment to graduation.
It is the reference structure to contact for:
- General information
- Career control and changes (changes, transfers, interruptions, etc.)
- Fees (payments, refunds, etc.)
- Certificates
- Infostud credentials recovery
The secretariat responds:
- via email (indicate name, surname and matriculation number; for specific information about the accounting or academic position, a scan of a valid identity document is also required)
- via Skype
- at the counter
Consult the links at the bottom of the page for updates and more information
List of Student Secretariats
Office | Office Manager | Contacts | Office Hours | |
Office Students Master's Degree Courses in Medicine and Dentistry | Dr. Natalina Macotulli | P.le Aldo Moro, 5 Rome - General Services Building, Staircase A, ground floor | T: 06 49912896 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00
Student Secretariat Pharmacy and Biotechnology Courses | Dr.ssa Enia Libernini | P.le Aldo Moro, 5 Rome - General Services Building, Staircase B, Floor 1 | T: 06 4991 2791 F: 06 4991 2928 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00
Student Secretariat Degree Courses Health Professions | Elisa di Carlo | Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - Rome Building CU023, staircase A, 3rd floor | T: 06 49912266 F: 06 4991 2765 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00
Student Office Degree Courses Health Professions POLO LATINA Office | Donato Antonio Grande | Viale XXIV maggio 7, Latina | T: 0773 476814 F: 0773 476813 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 08:30 12:00
State Exams Office | Mrs. Elena Gilda Tramontelli | P.le Aldo Moro, 5 Rome - General Services Building Staircase C - 2nd Floor | T: 06 49912804 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 8.30-12.00
Secretariat of the Specialization Schools | Dr. Loredana Battaglione | P.le Aldo Moro, 5 Rome - General Services Building - Staircase A - 2nd floor | T: 06 49912895 F: 06 49912127 Email: | Mon-Wed-Fri 8:30-12:00