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Dean's welcome message

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

The Faculty's website provides a window to understanding what the University, and in this case the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, organizes and offers to both students and academics. The Faculty is made up of 8 Departments and offers numerous courses which can be summarized into 4 main areas: 

  • Masters Degrees in Medicine and Surgery (Masters “A” at the Polyclinic Umberto I, Rome, Masters “E” at the Polo Pontino, Masters “F” International Medical School in English);
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Pharmacy (Masters in Pharmacy, in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Bachelor in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences);
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Biotechnology (Bachelor in Biotechnology, Masters in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Masters in Medical Biotechnology, Bachelor in Scientific Biomedical Communications);
  • Bachelors Programme in Bioinformatics in English
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in the Healthcare Professions (Class 1: Obstetrics, Nursing, Pediatric Nursing; Class 2: Physiotherapy, Pediatric and Adolescent Neuro and Psycho-motor Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Orthoptic and Opthalmologic Assistance, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques, Occupational Therapy; Class 3: Dietetics, Dental Hygiene, Audiometry Methods, Audiology Methods, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Radiation Technology for Imaging and Radiotherapy, Neurophysical Pathology Techniques, Cardiocirculatory Physiopathology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques, Orthopedic Methods: Class 4: Environmental and Workplace Prevention Techniques, Healthcare).

As well, many post-graduate courses are offered, from the  Schools of Healthcare Specializations to the many Level I and II Diplomas.
All the useful and relevant information concerning these courses can be found on this page clicking on the specific site's link.
Moreover, the website allows you to access the lesson timetables, the Professors' names, the teaching programs, and the exam dates and timetable (you can register for exams online). You can also find, shown in the service facilities (the libraries and student reading rooms), exchange programs with foreign universities and all the initiatives the Faculty offers for preparing students ready to embark on their profession career, nationally and internationally.
I wish all of you the best in your academic studies. We are proud to be able to offer all, and especially each one of you, the opportunity to acquire not only a thorough and up-to-date knowledge, but also a highly qualified “scientific cloak”, along with the ability to interact with humanity, society and  each citizen, which have very high expectations of all those who work in our  healthcare system and in cutting-edge scientific research.
Once again, I sincerely wish you all the best in pursuing this path leading to knowledge and a future life, which will be at times difficult but, for both students and teachers together, to be tackled enthusiatically.

Prof. Paolo Villari, Dean the Faculty of Pharmacine e Medicine
The Dean
Prof. Paolo Villari