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Didactic Activities


The courses offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine are:

  • Single Cycle (Bachelors+Masters) Degrees Programmes in Medicine and Surgery (Masters “A” at the Polyclinic Umberto I, Rome, Masters “E” at the Polo Pontino, Masters “F” International Medical School in English);
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Pharmacy (Masters in Pharmacy, in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Bachelor in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences);
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Biotechnology (Bachelors Degree in Biotechnologies, Bachelors Degree in Bioinformatics- in English, Bachelors Degree in Molecular Biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Computer Science for Pharmaceutical Applications - in English, Master's degree in Biochemistry - in English, Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Masters Degree in Medical Biotechnologies, Masters Degree in Scientific Biomedical Communication);
  • Bachelor Degree Programme in Bioinformatics in English;
  • Bachelor and Masters Degrees in the Healthcare Professions(Class 1: Obstetrics, Nursing, Pediatric Nursing; Class 2: Physiotherapy, Pediatric and Adolescent Neuro and Psycho-motor Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Orthoptic and Opthalmologic Assistance, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques, Occupational Therapy; Class 3: Dietetics, Dental Hygiene, Audiometry Methods, Audiology Methods, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Radiation Technology for Imaging and Radiotherapy, Neurophysical Pathology Techniques, Cardiocirculatory Physiopathology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques, Orthopedic Methods: Class 4: Environmental and Workplace Prevention Techniques, Healthcare).

As well, many post-graduate courses are offered, from the Schools of Healthcare Specializations to the many Level I and II Diplomas.


Video Presentation (italian)


Medicine and Surgery

Healthcare Professions
