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Exam registration for the bachelor in healthcare professions

Exam registration for the bachelor in healthcare professions 

  1. To graduate the student must register for the exams online clicking on “exam registration” at the bottom of the page. In the area Bachelor course, the student must describe the degree course relative to the last enrolment (if there are any problems, the exact information can be found on the course tax form (not on the payment receipt). On completion of the registration the student will receive a confirmation email that must be attached to the degree request;
  2. The graduating student must fill in the form online and download it (request for Bachelor degree or request for Masters degree) found at the link: (Degree Request);  
  3. The forms must be filled in online in all sections (incomplete requests will not be accepted) and sent by the deadline found in the "Graduate Promemoria" (it must be remembered that the thesis digital contents must be signed by both the  monitoring professor and student); 
  4. The form “Monitoring professor's declaration for the final exam” (3-year) and  the “Monitoring professor's declaration  for the final thesis” and the “Declaration for the CD content” (specialist/Masters) as well as the monitoring professor's signature must also be accompanied by an official stamp (of the faculty, degree course or department, etc.); 
  5. It is no longer necessary to personally register at the Presidency office; 
  6. Failing to graduate in the session requested, the student, in order to be admitted to sit the same final exam in later sessions, must present a "degree request revocation" and renew it using the form "degree request duplicate” found in the link  Degree request  and by following the procedure in point 1; 
  7. It is important to note that the consignment of the disc containing the thesis signed by the professor/student is necessary only for Masters' students and specialist course students. The Bachelor students (3 years) need only present the “Monitoring Professor's Declaration for the final exam" found in the degree request reserved for Bachelor students; 
  8. Print the degree form as stipulated in the General Study Manifesto, art.30,.1 "c" (the date on the form only indicates  the day it was printed); 
  9. Send by email the form (degree request) to the Student Secretariat (Rome: Polo Latina: following the procedure in "online request presentation";
  10. The online registration does not authorize the student to participate in the Thesis discussion but is only a required condition for the degree request presentation.   











Daniela Boccanelli


Claudia Cassenti

Betti De Santis

Maria Cristina Ferrero

Antonella Iacopini

Loris Ferrarini

Emanuele Marcucci

Valerio Marzoni

Manuel Perna

Valentina Vergari



Polo Latina

Capo Settore
Donato Antonio Grande

Ciampini Angela
Iaci Lorella
Molinaro Carlo
Nuccitelli Mauro
Ulgiati giovanna




Piazzale Aldo Moro,5 00185 - Roma Palazzo Servizi generali Accesso scala B piano Terra -

Ricevimento lunedi, mercoledi, venerdi dalle 08.30 alle 12.00 martedì, giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 16.30 SEDE