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Which place for Art in Medical Education?

November 16, 2018
Museo delle Civilità - Rome (Italy)

Organizers: Laboratory of Art and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine; Italian Society of Medical Pedagogy

Subscribe until 1 November 2018
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There are many application of the Arts in the health sector. The Art Therapy or the re-definition of cure places for increasing the patient comfort following the holistic orientation indicated by the World Health Organization.  Can Art play an important role in medical education?  Studies have shown that can art can be used to respond in a different needs of health team training:  observational skills, better communication, empathy, as well as better resilience to limit the risk of stress and burnout. The workshop invite to reflect on the role of ARTE in the field of Medical Humanities for:
  • improve the training of health staff in skills development
  • improve the relationship between the health worker and the patient
  • improve the quality and personalization of therapeutic pathways
  • improve well-being and reduce work-related stress in care staff
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