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Medical Communication – Sechenov University, Moscow, 17-21 June 2019

Applications are invited from Sapienza students in year V course F to attend a
course on medical communication at Sechenov University, Moscow from 17-21 June
2019. Up to 10 places are available.
Candidates should be enrolled in year V and have completed all exams of year III and at
least 2 exams of year IV.
How to apply
 Applications should be sent from your email address to:
 Applications should state the following:
“I wish to apply for a place on the course of medical communication at Sechenov
University from June 17-21, 2019. If my application is accepted, I agree to pay for
and procure a visa, travel and health insurance and a specified return flight to
Moscow. I also agree to attend in person all pre-course meetings to be held in Rome
and to send reports during my stay in Moscow.”
 Please attach the following documents to your email application:
o a scanned copy of your passport
o a certified transcript of your university exam marks (certificato di iscrizione
al V anno con esami sostenuti)
o a copy of your curriculum vitae
Deadline for application
Applications should be sent on or before 8 May at Only applications arriving from addresses on or before May 8 at 2 pm will be considered.
The names of the 10 students who have been awarded places, and 4 reserve places, will be
notified by email on May 10.
Students who are awarded places but do not adhere to the conditions of their application
statement will be excluded.
Data notizia


Program (449.83 KB)