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The survey of students' opinions (Opis)

The lessons of the second semester are in progress: we invite you to express an evaluation of your student experience by completing a dedicated questionnaire.

The survey of students' opinions (Opis) will take place directly in class, via your mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), during the lessons, once two-thirds of the lessons have been completed.

To ease the drafting of the questionnaire Infostud has associated each course a specific Opis Code.

This code is shown by the teacher to the students on the occasion chosen by the teacher for the compilation of the assessments in the classroom.
In this way, students are directed to a single questionnaire already associated with teaching, speeding up the procedure you are invited to evaluate your experience in class filling in the Student's Opinions questionnaire.

The professorss will determine some time during their lessons to present the questionnaires and show the Opis Code code to the students at the date and time chosen for the course evaluation.

In this way, students are directed to a single questionnaire which is already associated with the course, speeding up the procedure.

However, students absent from the class at the time chosen for the course evaluation will still be able to complete the questionnaire before the end of the course, when registering for the exam.

Your evaluation will help us understand if the improvement process for the quality of didactics which is one of our main purposes, has been following the rigth direction.

Choosing Sapienza you decided to entrust your training to a prestigious university: we want and we must work to meet your expectations and certainly your contribution will allow us to better orient our actions.