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Health And Safety Training Course For Students In The Medical Area Of Sapienza Who Are Enrolled In Year One Of The Current Academic Year

It is hereby announced that, as from 01/04/2019, the compulsory training course on the subject of prevention and health and safety on the workplace will start. The course will be in e-Learning format, and is for all students of the Sapienza medical area who are enrolled in year one of the current Academic Year.

Students will receive information concerning the course and relative instructions through their personal university e-mail ( and explanations are provided in prot. 675 dated 29/03/2019 and published on the web page:

Students are recommended to complete the above-mentioned course as soon as possible. In any case, the compulsory course, the certificate of attendance of general training and the certificate of attendance of specific training will be available on the e-learning platform until June 30, 2019 and no later.

Finally, please note that participation in health and safety training courses is compulsory in accordance with art. 20 c. 2 lett. h) of Legislative Decree 81/08.


The Presidents

Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Faculty of Psychology and Medicine