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Call for applications for 100 scholarships for university students holding international protection

The selection notice for the allocation of 100 annual scholarships to university students holding international protection for the academic year 2024/25 has been published.

This initiative, promoted by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research), in conjunction with the CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities), aims to facilitate access to the Italian university system for holders of international protection, in implementation of the Convention signed on January 7, 2025, for the realization of a FAMI 2021-2027 project. The notice is addressed to refugee students, holders of subsidiary protection or temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens, enrolled in the academic year 2024/25 in the first or subsequent years of a three-year, master's or single-cycle degree course, as well as single courses or foundation year, at one of the Italian universities associated with the CRUI. A mandatory requirement is not to have previous registrations in other university courses in Italy prior to the current one.

Interested students must submit their application by March 3, 2025, according to the procedures illustrated in the call for applications.