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Sapienza Services for Students

Detailed information about all Sapienza services available for students are available at this link: .
Here are detailed some services that students of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery may find particularly useful.

Italian Language Courses
The Degree Course works exclusively with the Centro linguistico d’Ateneo (CLA), located not far from the Campus (Building Marco Polo - ex Sede Poste - Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 82) which offers, free of charge, to all foreign students, enrolled for the first time in Sapienza University, the opportunity to evaluate their knowledge of the Italian language (the so-called placement test) and to obtain a basic or intermediate knowledge level ( The A1 courses can also be taken online and asynchronously, not interfering with other teaching activities

Mental health and psychological counselling.
The mental health of our students is fundamental and for this reason Sapienza University offers a free counseling service for all students who request it. You can also use the service in English by booking an appointment at the following e-mail address: The Sapienza counselling service can also, if necessary, direct students to the most suitable psychological pathway provided by Faculty of Medicine and Psychology. All information on psychological counseling is available at the following link: psychological-counselling-sapienza..

Healthcare in Italy.
All international students must follow some administrative procedures to access to medical services in Italy.

EU citizens with the European Health Insurance Card - EHIC (or the E106 model) have access to medical services in Italy and all EU countries. The EHIC card allows free access to general practitioners, hospitals and A&E services (including surgical services). To obtain the benefits, you can go directly to a doctor or a public or affiliated health facility and show the EHIC, which gives you the right to receive treatment under the same conditions as the patients in the country where you are. (tessera-europea-assicurazionemalattia-team). Non-EU citizens must have private health insurance with specific requirements, approved by the Consulate/Embassy issuing the visa. Alternatively, you may choose to register with the Italian National Health Service (Italian acronym SSN) by paying a fee (for students, the amount is €149.77 per calendar year). The registration fee is to be paid by postal order addressed to: "Amministrazione P.T. - contributo Servizio Sanitario Nazionale", C/C number 370007", inserting the reason for payment in Italian "Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale" (Voluntary registration with the National Health Service). Once the payment has been made, you can register with the nearest ASL by presenting the following documents: Certificate of residence (or self-certification); Valid ID card/passport; Tax code (codice fiscale); University enrolment certificate (or self-certification). On the website of Sapienza University, dedicated to international students, ( can be also found more information on facilities and services dedicated to the access of foreign users (Presidio Nuovo Regina Margherita, Poliambulatorio INMP).

Sapienza Salute.
This is a medical-health counseling service, offered by Sapienza University to all students, through which you can access specialist medical visits (e.g. gynecology, dentistry, endocrinology etc.). The service is free and allows students to book, through an online system, specialist consultations with healthcare professionals of the Policlinico Umberto I, Hospital Sant'Andrea and Polo Pontino. Reservations are made by accessing the following link: Visits are given by appointment on Tuesdays and on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Clinics of the Occupational Medicine Center of Sapienza (Building CU016). It is also possible to access specialized andrological visits through the Fondazione Amico Andrologo which has provided a free andrological consulting service for all students of Sapienza University (for reservations: amico-andrologo-campus). For emergencies is available the service of Sapienza Emergenze - SOS at the following phone numbers: 800 81 11 92; 8108 (only from fix phones); 06 49694233 (mobile phone). For health emergencies it is necessary to alert the unique number of emergencies NUE: 112.

Other Prevention Services in Sapienza University.
Other prevention services are also available in Sapienza University: - Do sports with SapienzaSport: sports activities organized by Sapienza University. - Eat with Sapienza - Gong: nutrition counselling, motivational interviewing, in small groups or individual sessions. - Unitab – Sapienza Tobaccology Unit: a listening point which offers, free of charge, information on tobacco and its effects on health. At Unitab you will find help and guidance, and you can also: measure the degree of carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication of the lungs and nicotine addiction, receive information on tobacco issues, scientifically sound methods for quitting smoking, and advice for therapeutic programmes. - NoiBene Programme: a psychological intervention programme dedicated to all Sapienza students to prevent psychological distress through mental health literacy, the promotion of positive, flexible behaviour and the enhancement of life skills

In accordance with the University Statute and Mission, as well as with the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Sapienza, the University condemns any discriminatory behavior (section II, art. 3, paragraph 1): Sapienza recognizes equal dignity and respect for all members of the academic community and rejects any form of prejudice and discrimination, direct or indirect, of individuals or groups, due to factors such as religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, personal conscience and beliefs, physical appearance and colour, language, ethnic or social origins, citizenship, personal and health conditions, pregnancy, family choices, age and the role they play in the university. All forms of discrimination must be promptly reported to the Student Ombudspersons ( The Student Ombudsperson at Sapienza University is Professor Giuseppe Familiari (, while the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine Ombudsperson is Professor Vincenzo Vullo (

Harassment. Sapienza provides a centre for victims of violence. The centre, which was inaugurated about a year ago, is open from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (for appointments and advices: 366 5479783) and offers telephone and preliminary interviews to identify needs and emergencies, psychological counseling, work orientation, autonomy orientation pathway, direct links with shelters and other centres and institutions, pathway out of violence. Other information can be found at the following link:

Syllabus, teaching programs, exams.
Teaching programs, teaching materials and evaluation methods are detailed in your Students' Guide and on the official website of your Degree Course. In the specific section "Attendance” you can access, by clicking on each teaching, the main teaching objectives and, by clicking on each teacher, the teaching program, the teaching material, the requirements (if required) the teaching methods and the evaluation methods envisaged.